Web Design Agency, Website development and maintenance, A.I. Services, SEO Expert Services, Digital Marketing.

Website for restaurants. Site templates.

Discover the most stylish and functional restaurant website designs. Transform your business and attract new customers with a modern and intuitive design.

Our Website Development Services

Seodum brings you the latest and most modern web services for website creation.

Website development for the Horeca field of activity.

Servicii de dezvoltare site web specializate pentru sectorul Horeca. Oferim soluții digitale inovatoare pentru restaurante, hoteluri și cafenele, optimizate pentru atragerea și fidelizarea clienților.

Virtual store & Booking with online payment methods.

We create online stores and booking systems with payment methods such as card, bank transfer, cash on delivery, crypto and many others, ensuring complete security.

SEO optimization and display in Google on the first page.

We offer advanced SEO optimization to ensure your website appears on the first page of Google results, increasing visibility and traffic.

Smart marketing through A.I. and growth retention.

Utilizăm inteligența artificială pentru marketing inteligent, optimizând campaniile și maximizând retenția clienților prin strategii personalizate și eficiente.

Automating posts on your sites and profiles.

Content writing services offer you to publish articles automatically on your business websites and accounts by automatically scheduling them directly from our system.

GDPR, GDPR-UK and International compliant sites.

We develop websites compliant with regulations, GDPR, GDPR-UK and international standards, ensuring data security and legal compliance.
